Your patients will be so grateful. They’ll tell all their friends. Your business will thrive. Your fear of making ends meet by doing real deep healing medicine will be a thing of the past.

Tree of Life Farm & Homestead
525 Deer Haven Rd.
Unicoi, TN 37692
Exact location may be subject to change depending on enrollment. Location will be proximal to the listed location.

March 7th-9th 2025 (Part 1) - IN PERSON at Tree of Life Farm and Homestead or ONLINE on Zoom - you will receive links beforehand.
(All Eastern Time = NYC time)
Friday: 6pm-9pm
Saturday: 9am-6pm
Sunday: 9am-6pm
Part 2 In-Between course - Done at your own leisure - online course
September 5th-7th 2025 (Part 3) - IN PERSON at Tree of Life Farm and Homestead. ON ZOOM - from the comfort of your home. Links will be supplied beforehand.
Thursday: 6pm-9pm
Friday: 10am-6pm
Saturday: 10am-6pm
Sunday: 10am-6pm
Part 4 Ongoing One on One Mentorship and Physician Heal-Thyself appointments beginning after Part 1 (for healing) and Part 3 (for mentoring, done remotely via Zoom) - these will be scheduled after your first weekend course.

Become an expert in Mind-Body medicine. Learn how to dialogue to find the mental, emotional root cause of disease for yourself and your patients. Leave fully inspired and prepared to begin implementing mind-body medicine into your practice.

Meditate in the amazing grotto

The first full weekend Foundations of Holistic Counseling course (Part 1) offers 18 CE credits from the Oregon Board of Naturopathic medicine, and Part 3 the Advanced course offers 20 CE credits with the Oregon Board of Naturopathic medicine for American NDs.

and pyramid. Drink structured water.
Did you know that it's entirely possible to heal physical pathology with mind-body counseling?
How the Holistic Counseling Certification Program Works:
The Holistic Counseling Certification Program is a 4-step process designed to get you ready to take the hardest cases into deep resolution and long term healing, and to heal yourself while you’re at it.

Dive in, begin your own healing and gain skills to implement right away in practice.

Our in-between online course serves to deepen & prepare for Step 3.

Advance your skills and deepen your healing in the Vis Dialogue.

One on one mentoring about your Vis Dialogue skills prepares you to take your first steps into the world of true mind-body holism, so you don't have to face that challenging world alone. Private Vis Dialogue and homeopathy sessions with Dr. Moshe help release any health challenges and blocks to your life and practice dreams.